4.0 / 5
i use this site all the time but it has some problems where itll compress a file and theres just nothing in it
dingalingzyomanz from USA .
did not compress file at all
garbage from USA .
李云蓁 from Taiwan .
much easier than usign other converter wbesites..... surprisignly fast :3 file did not save as zip the first time downloaded, but aftrer second try was fine ^_^
A user from USA .
I am really suprised and it works wonder especially the speed i didn't expect this seriously. Thank you ezyZip!
Sana from India .
kokoko from Japan .
ruim pra caraleo
A user from Brazil .
it is easy to used and does not have folder size restriction
dan from Nigeria .
KanOwO from Costa Rica .
didnt compress at all pointless
didnt compress at all pointless from United Kingdom .
A user from Russia .
Não compactou nada
A user from Portugal .
This one is the best
peanpea24 from Thailand .
A user from Netherlands .
good for nothing
A user from India .
d from India .
very well done gg
A user from France .
Попробовала впервые, очень понятно и быстро получилось. Спасибо!
Татьяна from Russia .
Its very simple and fast
Adart from Brazil .
Thank you so much for your help
Anonyme from Morocco .
Claudia from El Salvador .
Facil y rapido de usar , gratuito gracias
Santiago from Mexico .
nada que un compresor de archivos cualquiera no pueda hacer, sinceramente me esperaba otra cosa. Un archivo de 21 mb lo comprimió a 20 mb pfff jajaja
A user from Costa Rica .
Very easy, quite fast, and no sign up is nice. For your site I disabled my ad block but I still dont get ads for some reason even after refreshing. The particular AI voice you use in tutorials is just a bit unsettling
A user from Canada .
Сайт загрузил очень большой файл меньше чем за минуту и при этом не попросил денег за работу,а хорошо работающее и при этом бесплатное мы любим)
Volodymyr from Ukraine .
efficace, rapide
ROBERT from France .
все отлично
A user from Russia .
No me comprimio nada
A user from Dominican Republic .
Использую второй раз . Сжимает файлы без проблем . Пока проблем нет .
Max from Russia .
excelente herramienta de compresion gracias
eduardo from Mexico .
sam from Uzbekistan .
A user from Spain .
Sirve muy bien para crear carpetas ZIP gracias por su buen servicio.
mod creator from Spain .
good service!!
slim from Tunisia .
Great tool easily compressed the folder amazing
Rishab from India .
muck from Maldives .
Gran velocidad, me gustó
TATIANA from Ecuador .
спасибо большое))) оценка 5+
A user from Russia .
muy buena y facil de usar, efectiva.
lolito from Mexico .
Manzar from India .
Easy to use and very intuitive and user friendly.
Great online compressor! from El Salvador .
匿名 from Japan .
rápido e eficiente
Nelson Wisnik from Brazil .
doesnt do anything
lex from USA .
Very fast transaction, good performance
Gigi from Philippines .
Быстро, классно. Благодарю!
Юлия from Russia .
It is helpful
HAKAM ISMAIL from Tanzania .
your website is best
ali jafari from Iran .
I was not allowed to download and save the compressed file
A user from USA .
wounder website
rahim from Bangladesh .
Great app. compressed my large folder easily.
luckylinux from India .
did nothing, from 11.6 to 11.6
w from Turkey .
A user from Russia .
xxxxx from India .
fa il suo lavoro egregiamente..
Andrea from Italy .
safin from Iraq .
Very nice online zipping app. Thanks
Irfan from Pakistan .
ARMANDO from Mexico .
好 from Singapore .
EVERT from Venezuela .
rapida, efficace, senza perdite di tempo 10/10
adalberto from Italy .
A user from Kenya .
O melhor que estamos tendo ta? Funciona muito bem e rápido.
a from USA .
Muy buena erramienta, rápida y sin trabas
DIANA ZAPATA from Colombia .
Rápido y sencillo. Me gusta
A user from Ecuador .
reza from Indonesia .
It reduced it to the same size.
A user from Australia .
سعود from Saudi Arabia .
程咬金 from China .
nice services
james milner from Tanzania .
best zip online!!! FREE!!
mIKE from USA .
it was supposed to crompress and instead it was 5 times heavier.
A user from Belgium .
Easy and the best! Thank you so much <3 The best and super smooth platform!
Abdallah Fuad from Sri Lanka .
VASQUES from Brazil .
The service excellent I am really glad to find this website for compressing it's really easy to use.
Pratik Ray from India .
Very smooth running application
DIKSHA MAURYA from India .
great fast working alternative to when my stupid laptop decides it doesnt want o compress a file for no reason. Only thing I'd add is a small text that says "press here" on the zip conversion button but thats entirely my preference
Stan from Poland .
zlj from China .
awesome all files at one place to zip
Talluri from India .
Всё хорошо!
Вано from Russia .
Super recomendado
Sandra Milena from Colombia .
Super! Grazie!
GR from Italy .
A user from Ukraine .
One of the best App we have used so far for helping visually Impaired community to compress the read and give them. Some times it does conk.. but manageable.. thank you
HIDDEN VOICES from India .
Круто! Быстро!
Екатерина Конева from Russia .
не работает
Мария from Russia .
A user from China .
лень писать но имба
nightskxrklds from Russia .
ALESSIO from Italy .
0 from France .
I had a huge folder to upload and it had to be compressed. ezyZip did a perfect job. Thanks
Martin from United Kingdom .
every website asked membership to compress large file except this one
s from India .
Work fantastic, quick and is very easy to use - in short: Perfect!
Michael from Spain .
A user from India .
A user from Kazakhstan .
A user from Ukraine .
A user from USA .
A user from India .
A user from Japan .