4.0 / 5
Type | Average Rating | Review Count | Rating Count | Total Submissions |
Media Compressor | 3.9 | 99 | 554 | 653 |
CONVERT_MEDIA_BITRATE | 4.0 | 2 | 3 | 5 |
CONVERT_MEDIA_SAMPLERATE | 4.0 | 5 | 24 | 29 |
COMPRESS_MEDIA_BY_RESOLUTION | 3.4 | 31 | 160 | 191 |
Archive Converter | 4.2 | 165 | 1404 | 1569 |
Multipart Archiver | 4.5 | 1 | 5 | 6 |
File To Zip Converter | 3.8 | 88 | 872 | 960 |
Encrypted Extractor | 3.0 | 13 | 924 | 937 |
COMPRESS_IMAGES | 3.5 | 0 | 4 | 4 |
Extractor | 4.2 | 710 | 6939 | 7649 |
Media Converter | 4.4 | 52 | 327 | 379 |
Files Compressor | 3.9 | 111 | 753 | 864 |
Archive To File Converter | 4.1 | 167 | 1152 | 1319 |
Multipart Extractor | 4.2 | 0 | 5 | 5 |
Image Converter | 4.1 | 50 | 287 | 337 |
Folder Compressor | 4.0 | 74 | 643 | 717 |
Yes, ezyZip is completely safe to use. None of your private data is uploaded to any server. All operations are performed directly on your own computer using your browser. If you're extra cautious, you can even turn off your Wi-Fi or internet connection while using ezyZip, and it will still work flawlessly. This ensures that your files remain private and secure.
Leaving a review for ezyZip is easy! Simply use one of the ezyZip tools to complete a task. Once finished, you'll be presented with a ratings widget at the bottom of the app. Here, you can share your experience, provide a star rating, and even leave a comment if you'd like. Your feedback helps us improve and lets others know how awesome ezyZip is (or not 😂)! Check out below for the latest reviews, or click on a specific ezyZip utility above to see user feedback about that particular tool and how it has helped users with file compression, extraction, and conversion tasks.
BENAMIN from Peru used the Media Compressor .
Muy útil la pagina y muy fácil de utilizar. Muchas gracias.
Daniela from Colombia used the Archive Converter .
Zip file was empty!!
A user from USA used the Archive Converter .
Он не работает он не конвертирует фаилы а сжимает в папку
Скрыто from Russia used the File To Zip Converter .
dosen't give me any thing and a download a zip file of 29.5 MB and says there's nothing there
A user from USA used the Extractor .
Easy to use and most efficient tool...Works seamlessly, A great toll to get things done
Sumbul from India used the Archive To File Converter .
not working well, Zip file is asking me for a password now that i was never given :(
A user from USA used the Archive Converter .
Simple with quick execution. No adds on the side of unnecessary popups.
Hayes from USA used the Extractor .
Tao from Japan used the Extractor .
quick and free
greg from United Kingdom used the Archive To File Converter .
free, fast and fantastic !
A user from France used the Extractor .
Rápido e seguro!
jardell teodosio from Brazil used the Archive To File Converter .
I can’t even download it the button doesn’t work 10/10 waste of time
A user from USA used the Archive Converter .
EInfach und schnell, danke!
Virsalis from Austria used the Extractor .
Simple à utiliser/ Efficace. Merci
A user from France used the Image Converter .
ACE YUINJINJIUININJINJ from USA used the Archive To File Converter .
cool thx
chicken nugget from Australia used the Archive To File Converter .
Buenísimo la página, excelente servicio, además de convertir en masa, tiene la facilidad de manejo y todo gratuito. Muchas gracias.
Arístides from Peru used the Image Converter .
nada que un compresor de archivos cualquiera no pueda hacer, sinceramente me esperaba otra cosa. Un archivo de 21 mb lo comprimió a 20 mb pfff jajaja
A user from Costa Rica used the Folder Compressor .
I chose Max Compression, and there was no change in the size from the original file to the zipped file.
Didn't work from USA used the Files Compressor .
Ótimo me ajudo muito
Gilbert from Brazil used the COMPRESS_MEDIA_BY_RESOLUTION .
Very good and very fast. Quality was good enough. Compression halved the size.
Terzi from Finland used the Media Compressor .
тоже вад файл только архивированный ничего не поменялось
A user from Russia used the File To Zip Converter .
Excellent, Smooth and Very Fast.
VIJAY from India used the Archive To File Converter .
BHARATH from India used the File To Zip Converter .
beeeest reeegardss
Qurbon from Uzbekistan used the File To Zip Converter .
Великолепно, быстро, отлично!)
Мария from Russia used the Extractor .
good one and easy to use
Mohmmed from United Arab Emirates used the Extractor .
tot ok ,multumesc
parv adrian from Romania used the File To Zip Converter .
Πολύ εξυπηρετικό εργαλείο. Γρήγορο και εύκολο!
Αρης Παπαμιχαήλ from Greece used the Extractor .
It works amazing and I ALWAYS USE IT!!!
Mohammed from USA used the Archive Converter .
Excellent online unzip tool, no sign up or login, fast & easy .recommended.
Tio salvaje from United Kingdom used the Extractor .
kaminofuuya from Japan used the File To Zip Converter .
This is so much easier! I really love it. Thank you!
Elle Liv from Philippines used the Archive To File Converter .
A user from Colombia used the Extractor .
Excellent me gusta que sea sencillo y sin tantos pasos
Miguel Cruz from Mexico used the Extractor .
very bad can't zip my file only get different place folder pop all place i select
Pruthi Gopani from India used the Extractor .
generic.optional from China used the Encrypted Extractor .
Thank you. it's very easy and fast to convert on your website.
Abdoul-Azizou Aziraf AFO from France used the Archive To File Converter .
very good
[email protected] from Vietnam used the Media Converter .
ABC CORPORATION from India used the Media Compressor .
very very good website
Terance from USA used the Archive To File Converter .
Good compression was achieved from 112 MB to 9 MB. Was very useful.
RENOLD ELSEN from India used the Media Compressor .
Good website
Cosmas mutinda Ndambo from Singapore used the Extractor .
waoowww . . . .
A user from Indonesia used the CONVERT_MEDIA_BITRATE .
Easy to use, fast
Mimi from United Kingdom used the Archive Converter .
Very easy, quite fast, and no sign up is nice. For your site I disabled my ad block but I still dont get ads for some reason even after refreshing. The particular AI voice you use in tutorials is just a bit unsettling
A user from Canada used the Folder Compressor .
Savior of my life , my university's storage for internship project only accepted below 55Mb while my video was 350 Mb
Krystal from Vietnam used the Media Compressor .
Busqué en varias aplicaciones y todas eran complicadas de usar, en esta fue super rápido y sencillo. Mi favorita desde ahora.
Mariana from Uruguay used the Extractor .
stl to gcode plx
A user from USA used the Archive To File Converter .
емисрт from Russia used the Archive To File Converter .
Trop compliqué et apparemment non fonctionnel
A user from France used the Archive Converter .
A Ezyzip facilitou demais minha extração de documentos. Rápido e tranquilo. Muito obrigada.
Marcela from Angola used the Extractor .
La conversión ha sido ssatisfactoria y sencilla, gracias
Antonio from Spain used the Extractor .
did not compress very bad
A user from Australia used the Files Compressor .
Amazing and very fast
Naveed Iqbal from Pakistan used the Extractor .
Очень быстро, легко. Благодарю!
Любовь from Russia used the Files Compressor .
Finally, an option that successfully unzips the weird ones that simply WON'T open!! Thank You!!
Tina from USA used the Extractor .
per una" boomer" come me è molto utile e abbastanza facile da usare ...efficace
liana from Italy used the Extractor .